Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Spring/ Spring Break 2009

It has been a busy 2009. We just finished our annual progress testing and our labs are keeping us busy. The students enjoy the hands on laboratories. We are studying biology and becoming more ecologically aware. My students have helped us put a salt water aquarium so we can study marine life and ecosystems.
MYP 1 Science Instructor: Ms. Gwen Foote
In Science class we have been working on projects related to our global environment. Students created posters and 3-D Models of the Energy Pyramid of Life , illustrating the 10% rule of energy consumption through digestion. Students are researching and exploring the relationships of living organisms and the impact of human population on Earth. Through the Environmental lens (Area of Interaction), we are examining the “going green” global phenomenon, recycling, and ecological awareness. The question before us is “how can we make the right choices?”
As we study biomes and interaction of plants and animals, students are becoming familiar with taxonomy and the process of organization and classification of the Five Kingdoms.
Students' salt water aquarium to study and monitor effects of water quality on marine life forms, consists of live rock and live coral. Salt water fish are joining us soon.